Maravelias’s David the Liar straddles the intersection of autobiography, personal philippic, and sweeping theological polemic while unfolding the non-fictional account of his real-life abuser David DePamphilis of Windham, NH, USA.

Written as an exchange of letters between Maravelias and a trusted friend, David the Liar propounds a summary of David’s injurious crimes before delving into an incisive ethical, psychological, and social analysis of the middle-age father who seems but an ordinary and innocent man on the outside. Maravelias dissects the universally relevant themes of mental illness, paternal psychology, criminal defamation, deviant sexuality, interfamilial dynamics, projective false accusation, and situational ethics which his story acutely evokes in the context of 21st-century upper-middle-class New England reality.

Maravelias’s discussion matures into a cultural, legal, and finally theological commentary on the far-reaching ethical considerations evoked by David’s criminal villainy. Maravelias emphatically criticizes a host of corruptions in present American law and culture which enable victimization of the innocent, deriving ultimately from an unnatural atmosphere of modernist infantilism. David the Liar closes with a foray into the analytical lens of Christian scholastic theology and the framework it provides for rationalizing David’s past, present, and future.

ISBN-13: 978-0-692-97886-3
ISBN-10: 0-692-97886-0

Unanticipated August 2024 counter-defamation response video, necessitated unfortunately by a recent coordinated mass-dissemination of debunked 2017 DePamphilis slander on social media by leftist activists, to attack and impugn Maravelias's reputation in retaliation for perceived political speech in a fake TikTok video described as "ragebait" and "countertrolling":

Responding to defamatory 2017 DePamphilis false accusations weaponized by 2024 TikTok/Twitter trolls

(YouTube link above)

2023 retrospective notes on past DePamphilis legal abuse:

Arrest, Conviction, and Disbarment of Tyrant Judge Julie A. Introcaso

(The same judge DePamphilis used in December 2016 to commence the fraudulent legal attack against Maravelias)

The perverse misandrist tyrant judge who gave unthinkable initial approval to DePamphilis's 12/28/2016 falsified ex parte restraining order petition against Maravelias, Julie Introcaso, has been arrested, convicted, and disbarred for her other criminal acts of injustice and falsification. Introcaso's neglected legal and moral duty to dismiss DePamphilis's frivolous 12/28/16 petition was directly responsible for the entire subsequent 3-year crusade of unfettered defamatory abuse, costly legal expenses, and unconstitutional tyranny against Maravelias in the same case. See:

"Arrest of Circuit Court Judge Julie A. Introcaso", NH Department of Justice (2/11/21)
"NH Judge Arrested for Allegedly Falsifying Documents, Lying About It", NBC Boston (2/11/21)
NHPR article discussing Introcaso's guilty plea (11/15/21)
NH Supreme Court Order disbarring disgraced Introcaso, being "convicted of a 'serious crime'"
Wikipedia notes, "Introcaso's crimes 'eviscerated' the public trust in family courts and the legal system generally."

The following document provides the most succinct summary of the 2016-2020 DePamphilis fraudulent legal abuse:

Maravelias pro se NH Supreme Court Appeal Brief (No. 2019-0306) (8/5/19, Link)

2020 legal abuse update:

DePamphilis has lost. As of 3/2/20, the fraudulent legal attack against Maravelias is expired. Having been exposed as liars and fraudsters (see documents below), David and Christina DePamphilis did not risk to attempt to further extend the false restraining order previously obtained through perjury. To do so would have given Maravelias a chance to appear in court to expose DePamphilis with all the damning evidence collected the previous year. See Firearms Return Order of Derry Circuit Court. (3/2/20: PDF)

Maravelias 2020 First Circuit Pro Se Appellate Brief - Paul Maravelias v. John J. Coughlin, et al. (No. 19-2244) (5/13/20: PDF, Scribd)

1. Although DePamphilis's NH State Court legal abuse against Maravelias is concluded, Maravelias's Section 1983 federal civil rights litigation pertaining to the illegal 2018 "extended terms" remains.

2. During the false restraining order, perverse tyrant local judge John J. Coughlin exploited what was a simple no-contact order to abuse Maravelias's rights in a fashion totally unprecedented in the history of New Hampshire courts. Coughlin recklessly exceeded his authority and unlawfully added a host of commandments to the base restraining order in violation of NH RSA 173-B:5. Coughlin illegally criminalized Maravelias's mere "possession" of Christina DePamphilis's public internet social media exhibits showing her middle-fingering and cyberbullying Maravelias. These were legal exhibits for Maravelias to prove Christina "Chrissy" DePamphilis was a vexatious litigant lying about "fear" to harass Maravelias with retaliatory legal abuse.

For more detail on DePamphilis's cruel cyberbullying to bait Maravelias into violating her family's fraudulent restraining order, see the article, "The Orwellian 'Social Media' Tyranny of Judge John. J. Coughlin and David/Christina DePamphilis".

3. In a direct appeal on the merits to the New Hampshire Supreme Court (Case No 2018-0483), wicked tyrant Robert J. Lynn, Chief Justice utterly ignored Maravelias's thoroughly briefed and preserved arguments against the illegal "extended terms". The NHSC upheld the "extended terms" without adjudicating Maravelias's arguments against them. See 1/16/19 Final Order, NHSC Case No. 2018-0483. The NHSC simply ignored Maravelias's challenges and rubber-stamped the horrifically illegal "extended terms".

4. Having been failed by his state's pathetically insouciant highest court, Maravelias filed federal suit in the US District Court for New Hampshire (Case No. 1:19-CV-00143) to foil the false arrest the Windham NH Police were tortiously threatening against Maravelias in February 2019 on the grounds of the illegal "extended terms". (Evil DePamphilis attempted to have Maravelias falsely arrested, complaining that he had attached a public social media exhibit of hers as a legal exhibit in his NHSC merits brief to support his arguments, conduct which is obviously protected by the First Amendment and by absolute litigation privilege.) See Maravelias's Section 1983 Federal Lawsuit against rogue tyrant judge and exposed civil-rights abuser, the Dishonorable John J. Coughlin. (PDF, Scribd)

5. Corrupt social marxist federal judge Steven J. McAuliffe trashed and ignored Maravelias's arguments, woefully mischaracterizing some parts and thoroughly ignoring others (such as Maravelias's demonstration that Judge Coughlin's acts were not simply unconstitutional, but were in complete absence of statutory and equitable authority as a local judge of the NH Circuit Court, which, unlike the NH Superior Court, lacks authority to issue equitable remedies). Maravelias appealed Judge McAuliffe's reproachable judicial activism to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. See link to 5/13/20 Appellate Brief in header above.

6. Both disgraced state court judges immediately responsible for the unconstitutional injustice against Maravelias - John J. Coughlin and Robert J. Lynn - have subsequently retired and are currently seeking public office in New Hampshire in the November 2020 elections. The public should consider their reprehensible acts of willful perfidy committed during their tenure in the judicial branch.

7. John J. Coughlin and Robert J. Lynn are also implicated in a separate thread of extortionate injustice against Maravelias relating to the handling of his own necessary 2018 protective order petition against David DePamphilis. For details, see Maravelias's 2019 United States Supreme Court Petition for Writ of Certiorari.

On 9/3/20, Maravelias rejoiced in what can only be described as a divinely interventive vindication of immense natural improbability. The retired tyrant Robert J. Lynn came to Maravelias's house in Windham while campaigning, when Maravelias happened to be the only person present. Maravelias nobly yet firmly issued verbal reproof against Robert J. Lynn for his crimes of malfeasance and theft, the latter half of which was recorded on video. See video "Robert J. Lynn Accidentally Visits One of His Victims of Judicial Abuse While Campaigning".

January 2019 legal abuse update:

Maravelias 2019 Objection to Continued DePamphilis Legal Abuse, Bullying, and Harassment (1/28/19: PDF, Scribd)

David DePamphilis refuses to stop legally abusing Paul Maravelias. More info forthcoming on 1) DePamphilis's new extended restraining order harassment, 2) the tantalizing DePamphilis falsification/deception foul-play exposed at 2/12/19 Hearing, 3) mindblowing NH Supreme Court extortionate tyranny against pro se Maravelias, whensoever DePamphilis has his lawyer file a motion merely mentioning the words "attorney's fees". See relevant court documents Maravelias uploads here.

Link to previous version of this page for archive purposes.

© 2017-2024, Paul Maravelias